Saturday, July 31, 2010


Are You Kidding Me?

Well, no more French toast for me....the new breakfast buffet is not as fabulous as the one at the Dolton, or at least it wasn't today : ) Still fine, though...was excited to go over to Starbucks to complete my breakfast. Well, I ordered my caramel frappucino, pointing to the item on the menu...the barista points to a different photo of "frappucino with jelly". No jelly, thanks, I replied. Still, it came with jelly anyway. It was not tapioca, like bubble was like having a slightly less firm jello product of an unidentifiable flavor at the bottom of my drink. I thought I could move the straw up higher in the cup to avoid said jelly, but I was foiled again as the jelly came up with each swallow. Strike out. I'll try again tomorrow.

Then, we met up with two other WACAP families to head over to the island for visa photos and medical "exams" and shots. Visa photos were uneventful, with June managing to keep her tongue in her mouth! Off to the medical where there was a very cursory exam - height, weight, a quick peek in the ears, nose, throat - unremarkable. The waiting room was a hot, crying mess of kids and babies. My poor baby started to cry after the exams while waiting for shots - our guide Sarah explained to her what would happen. 5 freaking shots, one TB very unhappy Junie, and one sad mama! Her brief silent tears were replaced with loud sobs - really heartbreaking. She recovered after a trip to 7 Eleven for an orange juice. We did a little walking around the island, which is beautiful and a mix of English and French architecture. We'll go back later in the week to explore the island (read: shop and eat at Lucy's).

In the final, are you kidding me, note: I seem to have developed a horrendous sinus infection where I feel the dizziness and pressure from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. May be dipping into the stash of antibiotics. Headed off to do some paperwork for the consulate. Tomorrow is sightseeing...haven't yet agreed on an activity with the group.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy,
    Congratulations! We have a daughter that will be two in September from HengYang in the ICC section. We traveled in January. I have seen many pictures and video of June! (from ICC)
    Where about in the US is home? We are in St. Louis.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip. Our family blog is
    Tracy Drissell
