June had a sweet potato at Thanksgiving, and has eaten one nearly every day since. For all I know she was eating them in China; but, it is super funny when your four year old brings you a bag of spuds and asks you to cook one at 9am. A good, healthy snack no doubt.
June is currently in love with her Advent calendar. Yesterday while eating her little candy, she said "maybe tomorrow 8, okay"? She is really smart, counting really well. Quinn finds it super irritating that, while doing her homework (counting back from 50 or something), June starts chiming in. June has begged her teacher for homework - and every piece of paper, from the Market Day order to the newsletter is closely guarded as her personal property. She and Quinn continue their love/hate relationship...sometimes they can play dolls together for a long time; then, June said the other day in response to Quinn's constant nagging about being older "In China, Junie not younger. No Quinn in China!" That about sums it up for those two.
We are definitely seeing the testing of limits I was expecting. She, like all 4 year-olds, I suppose, would like to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. She would like to "watch tv all day", "mommy watch me (play) all day", "sleep all day no school today". She occasionally hits when mad, which I am sure is a frustration over language sometimes - generally her hitting is restricted to altercations with Quinn. She does not love a time out on the stairs, bringing out the tears in no time. She talks all day, which is great - most of the time!
June enjoyed her first LPA party, meeting some new friends, and playing with others she has already met. We attempted the Brookfield Zoo lights the same day - an awful idea...it was cold, so Quinn cried the whole time...and you couldn't see many animals, so June cried the whole time. Plenty of frozen snot for all to see. Tom took them home early while I stayed w/ Delaney and Riley, who had a good time as long as they were fed every 20 minutes as usual.
We are into our 24 days of Christmas cookies, so there is a lot of baking and a lot of mess. Still have shopping to do, school parties...need the stomach flu to get OUT OF OUR HOUSE. So far, Tom, me, Riley me AGAIN...a caseload of Lysol is coming my way!
Lexi eats sweet potatoes as a major staple too. When they brought her to us she came with a bag of milk and a bag of sweet potato rice cereal. She was so sad when she ran out of it. Now, at 2, she brings us the raw sweet potatoes and say EAT! Junie is doing amazing!!! I can't believe she has only been home 5 months. She looks like she has always been a member of your family! Take care, Mary