Friday, May 28, 2010

NVC letter, corrected

The error has been corrected at the consulate level. This means that our documents can continue to move along - we should have our Article 5 by June 17th, right after the little miss turns 4 on the 15th! That means we would "only" be waiting for our official travel approval, hopefully within four weeks of the 17th!


Thursday, May 27, 2010

NVC Letter, sort of

The NVC emailed me a copy of my letter today, but contained a spelling error in Junie's Chinese name : ( Am trying to correct so we can get to our Article 5 and Travel Approval as soon as possible!!!!!

Unfortunately, I think it was cabled incorrectly yesterday : (

Monday, May 24, 2010

Whoop, there it is...

I800 approval arrived Saturday, but dated 5/19. One more piece of the puzzle in place - just a few more to go : ) Next step, NVC letter (fingers crossed for a quick notice).

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Where, oh where....

is my I800 approval???? Really hoping to see it come this week so we can get moving along : ) To get our little girl home! Still hoping to be on track for late July/early August travel. Cross your fingers!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Care Package

Having gotten our LSC, we were finally able to send Junie a care package! We used redthreadchina to send this package of goodies - pj's, a dress, some sunglasses, a photo album of the family, and a pillow w/ her big sisters' photo on it. She should receive the package later this week! Hope she loves it and gets the letter we sent along with it : )

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


After 69 PAINFUL days, we got our LSC!!! This is a great, big step!! Well, now we get back in the waiting line while on the US side, followed by the FINAL wait for travel approval from China : )